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How will you feel after

your story is finally finished?

  • What genres will you accept? Which genres will you not accept?
    I'm a literary omnivore unbounded by genre or topics such that discussing which books I won't accept (erotica or pornography) is much easier than detailing what I will accept. But since you're here and curious, my favorite kind of book, whether fiction or non-fiction, is one that celebrates or examines the pursuit of following one's dreams or harnessing one's power and purpose despite the obstacles and challenges of doing so. If your manuscript is one about the power of following your dreams, tapping into your expertise, or seizing your own power, I am all ears. I like books that are reflective, informative, possibly a little dark, and medium paced. My tastes span from literary fiction to science fiction, thrillers to fantasy, classics to contemporary. My literary tastes are content, style, and mood dependent. I have a type. And if you want to know whether your book is my type, we should talk. Fancy a Coffee Chat?
  • Can you guarantee I'll finish my book during the coaching program?
    This is one of the only times I can truthfully say, "it depends." Because ultimately, the writing and revising processes are yours alone. If you choose not to put in the work and miss your word-count or page-count goals while you're in coaching, you will not finish your novel or book. Then you and I will both be sad.
  • Can you guarantee my novel/book will be marketable? Or that it will sell?
    Marketability and salability are fickle things that rely on market saturation, publishing and reading trends, and how well you establish yourself as a writer and connect with your readers. As such, I can guarantee neither marketability nor salability of your work.
  • Do you use AI tools during edits?
    AI is a contentious topic for some writers, and I dislike many of the AI tools available for a variety of reasons. If you want to use AI tools, please do. You may find them helpful. You may find that they're a hindrance. But it would be unethical for me (or anyone else) to upload your work to these data-driven AI tools without your explicit consent. I don't use OtterAI, Claude AI, or ChatGPT/OpenAI software. I also choose not to use advanced grammar tools like ProWritingAid, Grammarly, and Hemingway, as these tools water down authenticity and voice when the author has a solid command of grammar rules and is making conscious choices to skirt those rules. You know, practicing creativity. While we're not at the point where the robots can overtake humanity, there is a deep need to reserve space for uncorrupted authenticity and the imperfections of being perfectly human. As we say in our home, pobody is nerfect.
  • Do you require a contract?
    Yes, I require a contract for most projects to protect both your intellectual property and my business at the time you schedule your services. I've chosen an eco-friendly contract method that doesn't require you print and sign anything. Your payment = your acceptance of the contract. No muss, no fuss. The only exception to this contract requirement is in brainstorm calls you purchase by the hour.
  • Do you require a deposit?
    Yes, I require a non-refundable deposit to secure your time on my calendar, which applies to your total project balance.
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    For Story Coaching with Evaluation and Developmental Editing with Coaching, I structure invoices into payment plans automatically with an option to pay at once. For manuscript evaluations without coaching, I do not offer payment plans.
  • Do you offer rush services?
    Not at this time.
  • How do you take payments?
    I accept payments via Stripe for major credit/debit cards. I also accept certain crypto coins (and the invoice will contain specific instructions for using crypto if you choose that method).
  • Do you have professional qualifications?
    I graduated from Saint Michael's College in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature and completed a minor of study in philosophy. Beyond my formal degree, I've completed many courses for growth and ongoing learning: · Digital Economics (Dan Koe, 2024) · Editing Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense (ClubEd, 2024) · Copyediting Fiction (EFA, 2023); · Working with Indie Authors (EFA, 2023); · How to Write Flash Fiction (Flash Fiction Magazine, 2022); · Developmental Editing Fiction (Noland Editing Academy, 2022); · The Keys to Effective Editing (Ed2Go, 2022) And, as I tell the authors with whom I work, reading is an important part of professional development, so check out my Storygraph page from the social bar to see what I'm reading.

(802) 839-9936
Located in Vermont

©2022-2024 by Fallon Clark

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